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Tracey Davenport

Tracey Davenport

Chief Financial Officer

Tracey Davenport is the Chief Financial Officer at People Who Care. Tracey has significant experience in aged care (residential and home care), NDIS, community services and the private sector.

Tracey holds a Master of Science in Charity Accounting and Financial Management is a Certified Practicing Accountant (CPA) and an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants.

Browse Senior Executives

Alain Twynham
Corporate and Service Support Manager
Chamo Piyasena
Manager, Disability Services
Hadja Sow
Manager, Aged Care Services
Melissa Scates
People and Culture Manager
Michelle Atkins
Clinical Lead
Monique Douglas
Manager Aged Care Services
Natalie Caruana
Quality, Safety and Risk Manager
Pablo Ospina
Manager, Aged Care Services
Penny Webb

Browse Board Members

Alden Lee MBA BEng GradDipBus
Board Director
Andrew Allsop BSW BA
Board Director
Brett Shields AdvDipOHS PGradDipBA BCom
Deputy Chairperson
David Payne CA
Emma Duarte MBA BSc (N)
Board Director
Paul Fettis MBA GradDipLeadership
Board Director
Stewart Masson MBA MPARA GAICD
Tony Caravella BCom LLB DipLegalPrac GradCertMigrationLaw GradCertPSM
Board Director